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Podcast & Media Appearances


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In this episode, Ecstasy in Everyday Life, we dive deep into spirituality with the incredible transformative spiritual guide Alara Sage. With over 15 years of experience, Alara shares her profound journey of awakening, from a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening to connecting deeply with her Higher Self. She delves into the wisdom of the womb, the essence of Kundalini Shakti, and the power of surrendering to suffering.


Alara introduces the “Spiritual Kung Fu” concept, teaching how to achieve profound relaxation and presence in life. Tune in to discover how to ignite your divine potential, access deep healing, and live a life of ecstatic bliss and creation.

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In this episode, I had the pleasure of welcoming Alara Sage, the ecstatic life mentor, to the Magnetic Goddess podcast. We explored the journey to becoming a magnetic goddess, emphasizing the crucial role of connecting with one's womb and embracing the divine feminine. Alara shared how her higher self guides her learning and the embodiment of her teachings, which often align with ancient wisdoms like Buddhism and Tantra. We also discussed societal perceptions of aging and the importance of tapping into our radiant life force to live vibrantly at any age.

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Alara Sage shares healing and transforming through the magic of the womb is a multidimensional that transcends space/time.

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Alara Sage Episode - WINNER Award Of Distinction Communicator Award

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Award Winning Episode

How To Embrace Embodiment For A More Fulfilling Life

“Ultimately, embodiment is the ability of your higher consciousness self to actualize through the physical into the physical reality, '— Alara Sage

Over the last 50 years, the idea of enjoyment and pleasure got married to feeling guilty. Plus, many of us carry unreleased trauma, which leaves us walking around with our nervous systems stuck on, causing us to be unable to relax, enjoy pleasure,  and find true fulfillment in life, love, and sex.

So, how can we learn to trust ourselves enough to embrace embodiment and open our creative minds to live more pleasurable and fulfilled lives?


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Episode #115: The Light of Conciousness

At 19 years old, Alara Sage was fully prepared to enter the corporate world as a computer programmer, but her Higher Self wouldn't let her. Instead, she was redirected to travel the world and study energetic and intuitive healing modalities.

Despite following this path, Alara was dealing with suppressed pain from past trauma. It wasn't until 2014, when she experienced a spontaneous Kundalini awakening, that she was able to begin healing pain from this life while addressing the trauma from past lives.

Today, Alara is the creator of The Unity Academy where she teaches The Law of One via the Trinity of Consciousness, and she is devoted to helping others awaken to their personal power and authentic genius so they may connect with their Divinity and achieve wholeness.

listen and/or watch here:

Alara Sage on Extraordinary Women RAdio

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The Power of Vulnerability And How Vulnerability Opens Us Up To Our Unique Potential

In this Episode:

● Alara shares her perspective on vulnerability as our willingness to be available to all aspects of ourselves
● The process she went through of learning how to connect and listen to herself led her to be open to others
● How our vulnerability and connection to ourselves make us able to show up very differently to others
● She talks about how she experiences the power of vulnerability in her life
● How she empowers women to connect and have relationships with their selves
● She explains why is the vagus nerve such an intricate part of our being

Alara Sage on Transcending Normal Podcast

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The Power Of Vulnerability, Play & Activating Our Feminine Power 

Episode Topic Notes: 

  • Our value and worth as ambitious women are not subject to what we achieve but to who we truly are within ourselves. 

  • Taking off the societal masks and expectations. 

  • What can happen when we reconnect and TUNE into ourselves, our desires, and our own needs for a fulfilling life?

  • Why true fulfillment begins with a deep, intimate connection to yourself and giving yourself permission to find what lights you up.

  • Bringing more play into your life can shift your nervous system into creativity and an open state of being. 

  • Becoming a vibrational match to what we want in life. 

  • 5-minute Activation: Connecting with our Womb, Heart, and Intuition.

Alara Sage on Energy Medicine Podcast

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Having Pleasure Is Critical To Reducing Anxiety And Stress


In this episode, you will learn the following:

  • Investigating the addiction to fight or flight in society and its impact on the body.

  • Exploring the power of the pleasure mindset and how it can be used to create from a place of surrender.

  • Examining the rise of Kundalini Shakti and the power of feminine energy to create inexhaustible sources of healing and power.

Alara Sage on Get Your Sexy Back Podcast

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This isn't Feminism:  Reclaiming The Femme Power Within Us

This episode will indoctrinate you into the world of reclaiming your personal power through pleasure and by reconnecting to your body.  

In this episode, Alara & Kim discuss…

  • The feeling that something is missing

  • What depression, burnout, exhaustion, and overall unhappiness is telling you

  • The journey from not enjoying sex and being non-orgasmic into exquisite pleasure

  • Creating the space for profound transformation to take place in your life and body

  • Releasing shame from religion around your body and sexuality

  • How this isn’t feminism and what it is

  • Reclaiming your radical self-love and outrageous pleasure

  • Reclaiming your true authenticity of who you are so you can show up in your life the way you want

Alara Sage on LOA Today podcast

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How To Have A Pleasurable, Orgasmic Life

  • My Shakti Awakening

  • What is ecstatic orgasm

  • How to have a pleasurable life and what is a pleasurable life

  • How to bring that pleasure into all areas of life

  • 6 Density states of Bliss

  • Healing early childhood to allow ourselves our full expression

Alara Sage on Whiskey Sex Talk Podcast

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Shame On Women


During this episode, Romeo, Maria and I discuss sexual shame, particularly with women. 

  • My personal experience with shame

  • How and why we take shame on

  • Shame of the body

  • The 4 Keys to unlock your power

  • Some causes of fatigue and how to habit stack

  • Sacred waters of the woman

Alara Sage on Your Chakra Coach Podcast

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Unlocking Creativity in Your Sacral, Heart, and Third Eye Chakras Through Playfulness

Play isn't something we need to abandon when we grow up! However, it can be hard to imagine what it looks like in a life of responsibility.


Today Alara Sage guides us through the process of

  • Reawakening our innate sense of play to access bliss, joy, love, and peace while

  • Our Chakra system and our creative nature

  • Healing our nervous system and releasing stored trauma. By unlocking our creativity with play, we can open our sacral, heart, and third eye chakras to allow us to expand into our most authentic, vibrant self!

Alara Sage on Leading Visionaries podcast

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Embracing Pleasure to Unlock Your Potential

“We want to be really feeling like our vision lights us up. When we put ourselves into that energy, everything else can fall away, - Alara Sage

Do you long to unlock yo
ur full personal potential, savor the pleasures of life, and harness your unique, authentic genius?


What You’ll Learn 


  • Alara shares her natural inclination towards leadership from a young age and the life she has lived outside of the “norm’ 

  • Alara shares her experience of a spontaneous kundalini awakening, leading to full-body orgasms

  • The four keys to unlocking your genius, including connection, breath, voice, and movement

  • The significance of being clear and courageous in speaking your vision into existence 

  • How embracing pleasure, joy, and ecstatic experiences can contribute to embodying your power (and your vision)

  • The connection between embracing orgasmic and ecstatic experiences and the creative life force

  • Alara shares a client success story of a woman who transformed her life, including selling her house, becoming intuitively led, and fostering unique and meaningful relationships

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