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3 Day workshop to unlock your radiance and power

3 Day Workshop To Unlock Your
Radiance & Power

Become turned on in the aliveness of you!

Alara Sage transformation
Alara Sage transformation
Alara Sage transformation


On Demand - Anytime, anywhere

What if you activated your POWER and Radiance?

What if you felt immense pleasure both in bed and in life?

What if you felt beautiful and sexy no matter what outfit you chose for the day?

What if you were able to be present to the small moments rather then overthinking what you need to do tomorrow?

What if looking at yourself in the mirror brough a smile...and a sexy smirk to your face?

​Life is literally meant to be orgasmic!

But we are not taught this. In fact, we are often taught that our power is and sexual energy is not ok.

And the killer is that when we suppress our sexual energy, we suppress the power of our ability to create.  This isn't just about orgasm...although...who doesn't want blissful orgasms?

This is about your power within your sexual energy and who you are when you are fully open to that power.


Sexy isn't about what you look like...though...the interesting thing is that when you activate your Inner Sexy....your SEXY AF become naturally more radiant.

Look at my transformation Below 2017, 2020, 2022


SEXY AF is about your most radiant, magnetic power being realized and embodied.
Which brings:

  • liberation of your sexual pleasure and energy - truly mind blowing orgasm
  • the ability to connect intimately with others and actually feel SEEN & UNDERSTOOD
  • your own creative energy activating - create money, love, health - without stress
  • the remembrance and reactivation of your playful self to be able to dance WHILE others are watching
  • deep peace even when everyone is screaming bloody murder around you
  • magnetism to others who understand YOU instead of fitting into their box
  • deep sense of conviction/confidence instead of a space of constant worry
  • clarity within your intuition and internal guidance
  • connection to the moment thus an increase in pleasure within everything you experience


What if TODAY you chose to listen to that deep desire which has been quietly calling you to FEEL your life rather then just "get through it"


Instead of just thinking about it…


What if TODAY you chose to focus your energy on actually jumping into the next level of your personal power and radiance.


Instead of just talking about it… 


What if you decided to stop playing in the field of obligation, and decided to start playing in the field of pleasure and orgasm within life?


What if TODAY you decided that you are a true YESSSS for this workshop???


I’m calling you if you are truly ready for this. If these words give you goosebumps all over your body. Whether you are currently in an intimate relationship or you desire one, you can choose to step into your Inner Sexy and activate your ability to experience connection much more intimately and pleasurably…


I’m calling you, if you are truly ready to receive this…


If you are tired of not feeling connected.


If you deeply desire to feel orgasmic in life.


If you ready to create a life that is fulfilling and joyous.


and that what you need right now is this workshop into the next level you, and the next level of your physical experience…


Let’s jump into a higher consciousness togher.

Activation is 3 day on demand workshop -

at the cost of $333 - for the FULL value of the activations…

I’m ready for you, if you are ready for this?


Trust your intuition, trust your NO or trust your YES  

What happens in an energy activation workshop?

Over 3 days (approx 90 min sessions each), YOU WILL:

Day 1 -  

  • Connection - Get out of the mind and into the moment

                 A deep, energetic clearing about what keeps you out of your Power seat and up in the mind.

                 An exercise to move you deeper into your Power/Pleasure seat.

Day 2 -

  • Letting Go - To receive the pleasure, you must let go of the pain.

                 Energetic clearings of your bodies, body parts, trauma, feminine lineage, all that is ready!

                 This will be powerful and intense!  These healings transform on all levels of your being.


Day 3 - 

  • Activation - I AM SEXY AF

                 An activation of this truth within the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.

                 FEEL powerful and radiant so that you can believe that you are powerful and radiant.

                 Subconscious programming 



And the beauty is that you can keep repeating these to deepen yourself into your Sexy AF Self.

This workshop is for anyone who:

  • Desires deep intimate, loving connection.

  • Wants to stop "cock blocking" her opportunity for fulfillment.

  • Wishes to stop "pussy footing" around pleasure, sexuality, orgasms, etc.

  • Desires to activate her POWER.

  • Can find life dull or unfulfilling.

  • Feels alone or disconnected.

  • Feels inadequate or inauthentic.

  • Wants to activate their creative potentiality.


Activation is recorded and you will get access to Sessions immediately.



*Lifetime access

Workshop Testimonies

All that SAF stuff has really helped me with body image, swimsuits, comfortable in my skin, actually feeling myself, and actually feeling sexy.  It’s a first, honestly.  When you feel sexy, people sense that rather than your insecurities. 

I’m retraining myself.  I’m this way on this trip.  So healing.  Honoring.  Drinking a lot and enjoying it in a whole new way. - Tina M.

Thank you for that.  As I was in the process, there were thoughts of deep connection.  I’ll sit with it more.  The visual caught me off guard.  I’m glad I had the courage to share. 

Today was all about deep connection with myself and others and being safe to reveal myself and to stay anchored deep in my body. 

Headed to a steeple chase today with thousands of my closest friends.  I am very curious and excited to see what unfolds. 

I am happy to report that I had significantly less social anxiety yesterday and did not overindulge in food or drink.  That’s huge! - Nancy S.

Don’t look now, but I've started writing again?!

Wowee… I barely slept last night. There was so much energy moving!  You are a powerhouse!  The womb is waking up.

I don’t even have words for that.  Thank you - Karen

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